Tuesday, December 6, 2011

ROI on Optimization Isn’t Just for Marketing. There are more departments that publish online content, but it’s a good example of the opportunity that companies have to make it easier, more efficient and effective for intended audiences to discover and engage with a company’s content. If Marketing can show a ROI based on content optimization that attracts website traffic and converts visitors into sales, then so can optimizing other types of business content with a specific purpose. For example, optimizing news content for discovery by journalists, bloggers and analysts who are doing research.

When most people think of SEO for a company, it’s usually for a marketing purpose. That makes sense since SEO is such a low-cost, high impact and measurable method of attracting new customers and revenue. However, I think looking at SEO and optimizing of social media solely as a marketing function is like looking only at the eyeball of your favorite portait. Take a step back and you’ll see a bigger, more interesting picture.

Friday, November 11, 2011

30 Ways To Get More Engagement on Social Media

Recently Facebook introduced the new "Talking about
this" metric into Facebook pages and this new metric is
even more important than how many fans you have since
it does not matter how many fans you have if none of
them are engaging with your brand.
With more engagement on social media you can build
a more compelling and powerful online brand.